by Caron, ..., Joulin (ICCV 2019)
See the author’s previous paper which introduced DeepCluster.
Use self-supervised training and clustering to do unsupervised learning
Deeper Cluster. Rotate images (set of possible rotations: \(Y\)) and optimize K-Means, where \(Z\) are the cluster assignments
\[\arg \min_{\theta, W} \frac{1}{N}\sum_{n=1}^N l(y_n \otimes z_n, W f_{\theta}(x_n))\]To make the space \(Z \times Y\) smaller, they use 2-level hierarchy of cluster labels. Use 2-level hierarchy. To get superclusters, they split the dataset into \(m\) subsets.
Accuracy of linear classifiers on ImageNet and Places205 using the activations from different layers as fea- tures. We compare a VGG-16 trained with supervision on ImageNet to VGG-16 trained with either RotNet or Deep- erCluster on YFCC100M. Exact numbers are in Appendix