16 April 2021
Streaming Variational Bayes
by Broderick, Boyd, Wibisono, Wilson (NeurIPS 2013)
Research Questions
- Suppose we receive data in an online/streaming setting, possibly with distributed
computation. How to perform variational inference?
Conceptual Notes
Bayes Rule gives us a recursive update. Specifically, for sequences of collections of
data \(C_1, C_2, ..., C_b\), we have
\[p(\theta|C_1, C_2, ..., C_b) \propto p(C_b| \theta, C_{b-1}, ... C_1) p(C_2|\theta, C_1) p(C_1|\theta) p(C_1)\]
The authors posit a variational recursive update
\[p(\theta|C_1, ..., C_b) \approx q_b(\theta) = A(C_b, q_{b-1}(\theta))\]
Can add parallelism in updates
Assuming exponential families:
- If we assume that the prior and approximate posteriors are in the exponential family
\[p(\theta) \propto exp(\zeta_0 T(\theta))\]
\[q_b(\theta) \propto exp(\zeta_b T(\theta))\]
- Then the approximate posterior is given by
\[p(\theta|C_1, ..., C_B) \approx exp \Big( (\zeta_0 + \sum_{b'=1}^b (\zeta_{b'} - \zeta_0)) T(\theta) \Big)\]
- This is an unusual assumption. Usually the variational prior and variational posterior are chosen to be
from the exponential family. Here, the true prior and variational posteriors are chosen to be
from the same exponential family
tags: variational-bayes - bayesian-nonparametrics - streaming - online