Rylan Schaeffer

Kernel Papers

Decoupled Uniformity

Dufumier et al. ICML 2023 introduced a new self-supervised learning objective called decoupled uniformity. It is a modification of Alignment & Uniformity that operates on “means” (i.e. embeddings averaged over augmentations) rather than the embeddings themselves. Specifically, for a single datum \(x_n\), we can sample \(K\) augmentations:

\[x_n^{(k)} = t^{(k)}(x_n), \quad t^{(k)} \sim p(\mathcal{A})\]

where \(\mathcal{A}\) is a set of augmentations. We then compute the mean embedding for the \(n\)th datum:

\[\mu_n = \frac{1}{K} \sum_{k=1}^K f_{\theta}(x_n^{(k)})\]

Note: The paper uses \(K=2\) but there’s nothing preventing \(K > 2\). The Decoupled Uniformity loss then incentivizes uniformity of the means:

\[\mathcal{L}_{DU} = \log \mathbb{E}_{n, n'}\Big[\exp (- \lvert \lvert \mu_n - \mu_{n'} \lvert \lvert_2^2 ) \Big]\]

Negative Positive Coupling

One problem with InfoNCE and other methods like Alignment & Uniformity is the so-called “Negative-Positive Coupling” (NPC) problem. Because the uniformity losses incentivize making all the embeddings uniform, this hurts the alignment loss. Decoupled Constrastive Learning proposed removing positive pairs from the InfoNCE.

Consider the gradient of the Decoupled Uniformity loss with respect to the embedding \(z_n^{(k)}\):

\[\nabla_{z_n^{(k)}} \mathcal{L}_{DU} = -2 \sum_{n \neq j} w_{n, j} (\mu_n - \mu_j)\]

where \(w_{n,j} := \exp(- \lvert \lvert \mu_n - \mu_j \lvert \lvert_2^2) / \Big(\frac{1}{n(n-1)} \sum_{i \neq j} \exp(- \lvert \lvert \mu_i - \mu_j \lvert \lvert_2^2) \Big)\) and the prefactor is \(2\) rather than \(4\) because \(\mu_n := 0.5 \sum_{k=1}^2 z_n^{(k)}\) in their derivation.

The overall sum of the weights \(\sum_{n \neq j} w_{n, j}\) quantifies whether \(\mu_n\) is close to other samples in the batch, while the individual weights \(w_{n, j}\) quantify whether the negative means \(\{\mu_j\}_{j \neq n}\) are close to the positive mean \(\mu_n\).