8 September 2022
Paper Summary - "Universal Hopfield Networks"
by Rylan Schaeffer
The below are my notes on Millidge et al. 2022’s
Universal Hopfield Networks.
- Associative memory models consider the challenge of storing and retrieving memories
- Many neural network associative memory models have been proposed, including Hopfield Networks
Sparse Distributed Memories and modern continuous Hopfield networks
- This paper proposes a general framework for understanding different associative memory models
- This paper also demonstrates that each model has a corresponding energy function that is a Lyapunov function
of the dynamics
- This paper then empirically investigates the capacity of different models
Universal Hopfield Networks
- Many (all?) associative memory models can be understood with three steps:
- Similarity: The input is compared to previous patterns
- Separation: The similarity scores are separated
- Projection: The similarity scores are used to determine what information to retrieve

Hopfield Networks
\[z = sign(M^T identity(M q))\]
Sparse Distributed Memories
\[z = P thresh(hamming(M, q))\]
Modern Continuous Hopfield Networks
\[z = W^T softmax (W q)\]
Continuous Sparse Distributed Memories
\[z = P softmax (A q)\]
Auto-associative vs Hetero-associative Memories
If the project matrix \(P\) is the same as \(M\), then a memory model
is called auto-associative; if the two are different, then the memory model
is called hetero-associative.
A hetero-associative Modern Continuous Hopfield Network is equivalent
to a self-attention layer:
\[z = V softmax(K q)\]
Neural Dynamics
Using the dot product for similarity performs more poorly than using
a Manhattan or Euclidean distance.

tags: machine-learning - neuro-ai - memory