Rylan Schaeffer

Kernel Papers

29 September 2020

Oh, the Places You'll Go

by {"name"=>"Rylan Schaeffer", "email"=>"rylanschaeffer@gmail.com", "twitter"=>"RylanSchaeffer"}

In an earlier post, I shared one of my favorite poems, Dr. Seuss’s “Oh, the Places You’ll Go.” A stranger reached out today to share the following story with me:

My name is Adharsh, and I'm a junior year undergraduate from [censored]. TL;DR - I came across the post about a Dr. Seuss-poem on your website, and it gave me the courage to not give up during a rough patch. Thank you very much for posting it. A few weeks ago, I started applying for internships for the summer of 2021, along with all my classmates. Getting an internship at a good company was necessary, as I'm from a middle-class family, and I did not want to stay dependant on my parents forever. I got shortlisted for the coding rounds of almost all the companies I applied to, but I couldn't get past that. I kept making so many mistakes, and I started doubting myself. After a point, I'd written about 10 tests and messed up in silly ways in all of them. I'd almost given up on myself. After a few days, I opened my GitHub feed, and I saw one of the people that I follow followed you. Curiously, I checked out your website. That is when I found the post about the Dr. Seuss poem. I felt something strongly when I read it, and that gave me the courage to keep attempting tests even though I'm alone in my struggle (I'd never read any of Dr. Seuss' poems before; thank you for introducing me to him). A few days after this, I made it through the coding rounds of two companies and got an internship at one of them. I apologize if it seems weird getting such an email from a stranger across the globe. I only wanted to thank you. Once again, thank you very much. Have an amazing day! Adharsh


tags: dr-seuss - inspiration