Rylan Schaeffer

Kernel Papers

Energy-Based Models (EBMs)

Probability distributions can be expressed as:

\[p(x;\theta) = \frac{\exp(-E(x;\theta))}{Z(\theta)}\]

for some energy function \(E(x;\theta)\) and partition function \(Z(\theta) := \int_{x \in \mathcal{X}} \exp(-E(x ;\theta))\). The partition function is typically difficult to work with (if not impossible), so the approach in energy-based models is to train a model to learn the energy function \(E(x;\theta)\).

Generating (Sampling) Data

Once one has the energy function, one can sample data from \(p(x;\theta)\) by sampling \(x\) from some initial distribution and then performing gradient ascent using the gradient of the learned energy function. Some specific ways to do this are Metropolis-Hastings MCMC and Unadjusted Langevin MCMC.

Unadjusted Langevin MCMC

using Langevin dynamics:

\[x^k \leftarrow x^{k-1} - \frac{\lambda}{2} \nabla_x E(x; \theta) + \omega^k\]

where \(\omega^k \sim \mathcal{N}(0, \lambda)\) is Gaussian noise. Welling & Yeh (ICML 2011) showed that if we define \(x^k \sim q_k(x)\), then as \(k \rightarrow \infty\) and \(\lambda \rightarrow 0\), \(q_k(x) \rightarrow p(x;\theta)\).

Metropolis-Hastings MCMC

TODO: https://deepgenerativemodels.github.io/assets/slides/cs236_lecture12.pdf

Learning the Energy Function

Contrastive Divergence Training

Give a set of data \(\{x_n\}_{n=1}^N := p_{\mathcal{D}}\), we would like to learn a good energy function \(E(x;\theta)\) for the data. The immediately obvious approach is to minimize the negative log-likelihood:

\[\mathcal{L}(\theta) := \mathbb{E}_{x \sim p_{\mathcal{D}}}[-\log p(x;\theta)] = \mathbb{E}_{x \sim p_{\mathcal{D}}}[E(x;\theta) - \log Z(\theta)]\]

This is intractable because of the partition function \(Z(\theta)\), so we can instead use

\[\nabla_{\theta} \mathcal{L}(\theta) \approx \mathbb{E}_{x^+ \sim p_{\mathcal{D}}}[\nabla_{\theta} E(x^+;\theta)] - \mathbb{E}_{x^- \sim q_k(x)}[\nabla_{\theta} E(x^-;\theta)]\]

where \(x^+ \sim p_{\mathcal{D}}\) and \(x^- \sim q_k(x)\) are sampled using the learned energy function. A derivation of this can be found in Richard Turner’s 2005 notes

\[\begin{align*} \nabla_{\theta} \mathcal{L}(\theta) &= \frac{1}{N}\sum_n \nabla_{\theta} \log p(x_n;\theta) \\ &= \frac{1}{N}\sum_n \nabla_{\theta} \log \frac{\exp(-E(x_n;\theta))}{Z(\theta)} \\ &= \frac{1}{N}\sum_n \frac{1}{Z(\theta)} \nabla_{\theta} Z(\theta) - \nabla_{\theta} E(x_n;\theta) \\ &= \frac{1}{N}\sum -\frac{1}{Z(\theta)} \int x \nabla_{\theta} E(x;\theta) \exp(-E(x;\theta)) dx - \nabla_{\theta} E(x_n;\theta) \\ &= \mathbb{E}_{x^+ \sim p_{\mathcal{D}}}[\nabla_{\theta} E(x^+;\theta)] - \mathbb{E}_{x^- \sim q_k(x)}[\nabla_{\theta} E(x^-;\theta)] \end{align*}\]

What intuitively does this contrastive divergence mean? The gradient of the log likelihood is the difference between the gradient of the energy function at the real data and the gradient of the energy function at the model’s generated data. Turner’s notes have a beautiful quote: “The algorithm coverges when the ‘dreams’ of the model match ‘reality’. If the ‘dreams’ do not match reality, the parameters are altered so that the next round of dreams will be more like reality.”

Note: Hinton found that only a few steps of gradient ascent were necessary to get good results.

Du and Mordatch (NeurIPS 2019) found that several implementation details improved the quality of generated data:

Du, Li, Tenenbaum and Mordatch (ICML 2021) noted that the above contrastive divergence loss actually approximates the true CD loss, since the true CD loss prescribes taking infinitely many MCMC steps but in practice, only finitely many steps are taken. The authors propose a new loss:

\[\nabla_{\theta} \mathcal{L}(\theta) = \mathbb{E}_{x^+ \sim p_{\mathcal{D}}}[\nabla_{\theta} E(x^+;\theta)] - \mathbb{E}_{x^- \sim q_k(x)}[\nabla_{\theta} E(x^-;\theta)] + \nabla_{\theta} q_k(x; \theta) \partial_{q_k(x; \theta)} KL(q_k(x; \theta)|| q_{\infty}(x;\theta))\]

where \(q_{\infty}(x;\theta)\) is the stationary distribution of the MCMC chain. Du & colleagues propose a full contrastive divergence loss:

\[\begin{align*} \mathcal{L}_{Full} &= \mathcal{L}_{CD} + \mathcal{L}_{KL}\\ \mathcal{L}_{CD} &= \mathbb{E}_{x^+ \sim p_{\mathcal{D}}}[E(x^+;\theta)] - \mathbb{E}_{stopgrad(x^- \sim q_k(x))}[E(x^-;\theta)] \\ \mathcal{L}_{KL} &= \mathbb{E}_{x^- \sim q_k(x)}[E(x^-; stopgrad(\theta))] + \mathbb{E}_{x^- \sim q_k(x)}[\log q_k(x;\theta)] \end{align*}\]

The stop-gradient operators are necessary to ensure the correctness of the gradients. The authors note that without the KL loss term, the optimization process leads to an “adversarial” sampling landscape whereby the network learns an energy function that makes sampling difficult, but the KL divergence term counteracts this effect. The authors found this second loss terms improves the stability of training, the generality of different architectures and the quality of generated samples.

Compositional Energy-Based Models

Du, Li & Mordatch (NeurIPS 2020) propose learning compositional representations with energy-based models. The idea is that each factor will be represented by an individual energy function that is low when the factor is present and high when the factor is absent. Then, one can apply base operators (logical conjunction, disjunction or negation) to flexibly and recursively combine multiple energy functions.

For different factors (now renamed by the authors as “concept codes” \(c_1, c_2, ...\)), one can combine energy functions:

\[p(x | c_1 \wedge c_2 \wedge ... \wedge c_N) = \prod_n p(x | c_n) \propto \exp (- \sum_n E(x|c_n) )\] \[\sum_n p(x|c_n) \propto \sum_n \exp(- E(x | c_n)) = \exp(\log \sum_n \exp(-E(x| c_n)))\] \[p(x| \neg c_1 \wedge c_2) \propto \frac{p(x|c_2)}{p(x|c_1)^{\alpha}} \propto \exp(\alpha E(x|c_1) - E(x|c_2))\]

How do the authors actually extract the factors i.e. concept codes? The answers either (a) the data is generated with known factors of variation or (b) the dataset was annotated with concepts (e.g. Male $\wedge$ Smiling).

The authors also study cross-product extrapolation i.e. can the model generate combinations of factors that were not included in the training data?

Converting a Classifier Into an Energy Based Model

Grathwohl et al (ICLR 2020) argue that a standard discriminative classifier \(p(y|x)\) can be reinterpreted as an EBM for the joint distribution \(p(x, y)\), and show that energy-based training of the joint distribution improves calibration, robustness and out-of-distribution detection, while also enabling sampmling of \(x\) with quality rivaling recent GANs.

Classifiers are typically a softmax applied to the logits output by a model (e.g., a neural network):

\[p_{\theta}(y|x) = \frac{\exp(f_{\theta}(x)[y])}{\sum_{y'} \exp(f_{\theta}(x)[y'])}\]

One can reinterpret the logits obtained from the model \(f_{\theta}\) to define the joint \(p(x, y)\):

\[p(x, y) = \frac{\exp(f_{\theta}(x)[y])}{Z(\theta)}\]

as well as the marginal \(p(x)\):

\[p(x) = \sum_y p_{\theta}(x, y) = \frac{\sum_y \exp(f_{\theta}(x)[y])}{Z(\theta)}\]

Consequently, the authors call the classifier a “Joint Energy-based Model” (JEM).


The joint likelihood can be factored as:

\[\log p_{\theta}(x, y) = \log p_{\theta}(y|x) + \log p_{\theta}(x)\]

The authors propose training the network using standard cross entropy for \(p(y|x)\) and optimize \(p_{\theta}(x)\) using Stochastic Gradient Lengevin Dynamics on the following energy function:

\[E_{\theta}(x) = - \log \sum_y \exp(f_{\theta}(x)[y])\]

The authors note that alternative factorings of \(p(x, y)\) yield worse performance.


CIFAR10 accuracy increases and generate samples are high quality:

CIFAR100 is better calibrated than a standard classifier:

The authors show that this approach also improves out-of-distribution detection and yields more robust classifiers.