by Rylan Schaeffer
Stan just wrote a post about the counter-intuitive properties of high dimensions, focusing on a sphere touching surrounding spheres packed inside surrounding squares:
He then shows as the dimensionality increase, the inner sphere becomes this spiky object, popping out from between the surrounding spheres:
It’s a common example, but one that (in my opinion) is too complicated to explain simply, especially when there’s a much simpler example available: a single sphere. Let’s ask a simple question: how much of a sphere is close to its boundary in high dimensions?
Let’s start with \(D=2\) dimensions and ask what fraction of a radius-\(r\) sphere (i.e. a circle) is within \(\epsilon << r\) of its surface. We know that the total volume is \(\pi r^2\) and the inner volume is \(\pi (r - \epsilon)^2\), so the fraction not near the periphery is:
\[\frac{\pi (r - \epsilon)^2}{\pi r^2} = \Big(\frac{r - \epsilon}{r}\Big)^2\]For a small \(\epsilon\) e.g. 0.01r, a high fraction of the volume is in the middle e.g. 98%. and so most of the circle is not near the surface.
In \(D=3\) dimensions, we again ask: what fraction of a radius-\(r\) sphere is within \(\epsilon < r\) of its surface. We know that the total volume is \(\frac{4}{3}\pi r^3\) and the inner volume is \(\frac{4}{3} \pi (r - \epsilon)^3\), so the fraction not near the surface is:
\[\frac{\frac{4}{3} \pi (r - \epsilon)^3}{\frac{4}{3} \pi (r)^3} = \Big(\frac{r - \epsilon}{r}\Big)^3\]Again, most of the volume is in the middle, and so most of the sphere is not near the boundary.
What happens as the number of dimensions grow? We find that the volume in the center of the n-sphere is given by
\[\Big( \frac{r-\epsilon}{r} \Big)^D\]As \(D\) gets larger, that fraction converges to 0 since the term being exponentiated, \((r-\epsilon) / r\) is less than \(1\). Consequently, the fraction of the sphere in the middle goes to zero and the sphere becomes hollow! In 2D, almost all of a circle is more than \(\epsilon\) away from its shell, but in high dimensions, almost all of an n-sphere is within \(\epsilon\) from its boundary.
To summarize: spheres in high dimensions become hollow!!
So much simpler than boxes, spheres and spikes!!