
(WORK IN PROGRESS) Explanation of:
Dorsal Anterior Cingulate Cortex and The Value of Control

Shenhav, Cohen and Botvinick 2016.

I've found that the overwhelming majority of online information on artificial intelligence research falls into one of two categories: the first is aimed at explaining advances to lay audiences, and the second is aimed at explaining advances to other researchers. I haven't found a good resource for people with a technical background who are unfamiliar with the more advanced concepts and are looking for someone to fill them in. This is my attempt to bridge that gap, by providing approachable yet (relatively) detailed explanations. In this post, I explain the titular paper - Dorsal Anterior Cingulate Cortex and The Value of Control).


In Ex Machina,




Experiments and Results




I appreciate any and all feedback. If I've made an error or if you have a suggestion, you can email me or comment on the Reddit or HackerNews threads.